Source code for hydropandas.observation

"""Module with observation classes.

The Obs class is a subclass of a pandas DataFrame with
additional attributes and methods. The specific classes (GroundwaterObs,
WaterlvlObs, ...) are subclasses of the Obs class.

The subclasses of a dataframe can have additional attributes and methods.
Additional attributes have to be defined in the '_metadata' attribute. In order
to keep the subclass methods and attributes when selecting or slicing an object
you need the '_constructor' method.

More information about subclassing pandas DataFrames can be found here:

import logging
import os
import warnings
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from _io import StringIO
from pandas._config import get_option
from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype
from import console

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Obs(pd.DataFrame): """Generic class for a time series with measurements at a certain location. Unless specified explicitly the first numeric column in the observation is used for analysis and plotting. Parameters ---------- name : str name x : int or float x coordinate of observation point y : int or float y coordinate of observation point meta : dictionary metadata filename : str filename with data of observation point source : str source of the observation e.g. BRO or KNMI unit : str unit of the first numerical column in the observation """ # temporary properties _internal_names = pd.DataFrame._internal_names + ["none"] _internal_names_set = set(_internal_names) # normal properties _metadata = ["name", "x", "y", "meta", "filename", "source", "unit"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor of Obs class. *args must be input for the pandas.DataFrame constructor, **kwargs can be one of the attributes listed in _metadata or keyword arguments for the constructor of a pandas.DataFrame. """ if (len(args) > 0) and isinstance(args[0], Obs): for key in args[0]._metadata: if (key in Obs._metadata) and (key not in kwargs): kwargs[key] = getattr(args[0], key) self.x = kwargs.pop("x", np.nan) self.y = kwargs.pop("y", np.nan) = kwargs.pop("name", "") self.meta = kwargs.pop("meta", {}) self.filename = kwargs.pop("filename", "") self.source = kwargs.pop("source", "") self.unit = kwargs.pop("unit", "") super(Obs, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation for a particular Observation.""" buf = StringIO("") buf.write(f"{type(self).__name__} {}\n") # write metadata properties buf.write("-----metadata------\n") for att in self._metadata: if not att == "meta": buf.write(f"{att} : {getattr(self, att)} \n") buf.write("\n") if self._info_repr(): return buf.getvalue() buf.write("-----time series------\n") max_rows = get_option("display.max_rows") min_rows = get_option("display.min_rows") max_cols = get_option("display.max_columns") max_colwidth = get_option("display.max_colwidth") show_dimensions = get_option("display.show_dimensions") if get_option("display.expand_frame_repr"): width, _ = console.get_console_size() else: width = None self.to_string( buf=buf, max_rows=max_rows, min_rows=min_rows, max_cols=max_cols, line_width=width, max_colwidth=max_colwidth, show_dimensions=show_dimensions, ) return buf.getvalue() def _repr_html_(self, collapse=False): """Uses the pandas DataFrame html representation with the metadata prepended.""" obs_type = f'<p style="color:#808080";>hydropandas.{type(self).__name__}</p>\n' metadata_dic = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in self._metadata} metadata_dic.pop("meta") metadata_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=[metadata_dic.pop("name")], index=metadata_dic.keys(), data=metadata_dic.values(), ) metadata = metadata_df._repr_html_() observations = super()._repr_html_() if collapse: collapse_button_meta = ( '<button type="button" class="collapsible ' 'active" id="meta"><i class="arrow right">' "</i> Metadata</button>\n" ) collapse_button_obs = ( '<button type="button" class="collapsible ' 'active" id="obs"><i class="arrow right">' "</i> Observations</button>\n" ) with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static/style.css"), "r" ) as fo: css_arrow = metadata = metadata.replace( "<div>\n<style scoped>", '<div style="display: none;">\n<style scoped>' ) observations = observations.replace( "<div>\n<style scoped>", '<div style="display: none;">\n<style scoped>' ) with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static/js_collapse.html"), "r" ) as fo: js_collapse_button = return ( obs_type + css_arrow + collapse_button_meta + metadata + "<br>\n" + collapse_button_obs + observations + js_collapse_button ) return obs_type + metadata + "<br>\n" + observations @property def _constructor(self): return Obs def _get_first_numeric_col_name(self): """Get the first numeric column name of the observations. Returns ------- col : str or int column name. """ if self.empty: return None for col in self.columns: if is_numeric_dtype(self[col]): break return col
[docs] def copy(self, deep=True): """Create a copy of the observation. When ``deep=True`` (default), a new object will be created with a copy of the calling object's data and indices. Modifications to the data or indices of the copy will not be reflected in the original object (see notes below). When ``deep=False``, a new object will be created without copying the calling object's data or index (only references to the data and index are copied). Any changes to the data of the original will be reflected in the shallow copy (and vice versa). Parameters ---------- deep : bool, default True Make a deep copy, including a copy of the data and the indices. With ``deep=False`` neither the indices nor the data are copied. Returns ------- o : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ if not deep: return super().copy(deep=deep) o = super().copy(deep=deep) # creat a copy of all mutable attributes for att in self._metadata: val = getattr(self, att) if isinstance(val, (list, dict)): setattr(o, att, val.copy()) return o
[docs] def to_collection_dict(self, include_meta=False): """Get dictionary with registered attributes and their values of an Obs object. This method can be used to create a dataframe from a collection of Obs objects. Parameters ---------- include_meta : boolean, optional include the meta dictionary in the collection dictionary, default is false Returns ------- d : dictionary dictionary with Obs information """ attrs = self._metadata.copy() if not include_meta: attrs.remove("meta") d = {} for att in attrs: d[att] = getattr(self, att) d["obs"] = self return d
[docs] def merge_metadata(self, right, overlap="error"): """Merge the metadata of an Obs object with metadata from another Obs object. Parameters ---------- right : dict dictionary with the metadata of an Obs object. overlap : str, optional How to deal with overlapping metadata with different values. Options are: error : Raise a ValueError use_left : Use the metadata from self use_right : Use the given metadata Default is 'error'. Raises ------ ValueError if the metadata differs and overlap='error'. Returns ------- new_metadata : dict metadata after merge. """ new_metadata = {} same_metadata = True for key in self._metadata: v1 = getattr(self, key) v2 = right[key] try: if v1 != v2: same_metadata = False if overlap == "error": raise ValueError( f"left observation {key} differs from right observation" ) elif overlap == "use_left": f"left observation {key} differs from right " "observation, use left" ) new_metadata[key] = v1 elif overlap == "use_right": f"left observation {key} differs from right " "observation, use right" ) new_metadata[key] = v2 else: new_metadata[key] = v1 except TypeError: same_metadata = False if overlap == "error": raise ValueError( f"left observation {key} differs from right observation" ) elif overlap == "use_left": f"left observation {key} differs from right " "observation, use left" ) new_metadata[key] = v1 elif overlap == "use_right": f"left observation {key} differs from right " "observation, use right" ) new_metadata[key] = v2 if same_metadata:"left and right observation have the same metadata") return new_metadata
def _merge_timeseries(self, right, overlap="error"): """Merge two timeseries. Parameters ---------- right : hpd.observation.Obs Observation object. overlap : str, optional How to deal with overlapping timeseries with different values. Options are: error : Raise a ValueError use_left : use the part of the overlapping timeseries from self use_right : use the part of the overlapping timeseries from right Default is 'error'. Raises ------ ValueError when the time series have different values on the same timestamp. Returns ------- Observation object. """ o = self.iloc[0:0, 0:0] # check if time series are the same if self.equals(right):"left and right observation have the same time series") return self"right observation has a different time series")"merge time series") # merge overlapping columns overlap_cols = list(set(self.columns) & set(right.columns)) # get timeseries for overlapping columns and indices dup_ind_o = right.loc[right.index.isin(self.index)] if not dup_ind_o.empty: # check if overlapping timeseries have different values if not self.loc[dup_ind_o.index, overlap_cols].equals( dup_ind_o[overlap_cols] ): logger.warning( f"timeseries of observation {} overlap with " "different values" ) if overlap == "error": raise ValueError( "observations have different values for same time steps" ) elif overlap == "use_left": dup_o = self.loc[dup_ind_o.index, overlap_cols] elif overlap == "use_right": dup_o = dup_ind_o[overlap_cols] else: dup_o = self.loc[dup_ind_o.index, overlap_cols] else: dup_o = dup_ind_o[overlap_cols] # get unique observations from overlapping columns unique_o_left = self.loc[ ~self.index.isin(right.index) ] # get unique observations left unique_o_right = right.loc[ ~right.index.isin(self.index) ] # get unique observations right # merge unique observations from overlapping columns with duplicate observations # from overlapping columns dfcol = pd.concat( [dup_o, unique_o_left[overlap_cols], unique_o_right[overlap_cols]] ) o = pd.concat([o, dfcol], axis=1) # merge non overlapping columns for col in right.columns: if col not in o.columns: o = pd.concat([o, right[[col]]], axis=1) for col in self.columns: if col not in o.columns: o = pd.concat([o, self[[col]]], axis=1) o.sort_index(inplace=True) return o
[docs] def merge_observation(self, right, overlap="error", merge_metadata=True): """Merge with another observation of the same type. Parameters ---------- right : hpd.observation.Obs Observation object. overlap : str, optional How to deal with overlapping timeseries or metadata with different values. Options are: error : Raise a ValueError use_left : use the part of the overlapping timeseries from self use_right : use the part of the overlapping timeseries from right Default is 'error'. merge_metadata : bool, optional If True the metadata of the two objects are merged. If there are any differences the overlap parameter is used to determine which metadata is used. If merge_metadata is False, the metadata of self is always used for the merged observation. The default is True. Raises ------ TypeError when the observation types are not the same. ValueError when the time series have different values on the same date or different values for the same metadata. Returns ------- Observation object. """ if overlap not in ["error", "use_left", "use_right"]: raise ValueError( "invalid value for overlap, choose between error, use_left and" "use_right" ) # check observation type if not isinstance(right, type(self)): raise TypeError( f"observation left has a different type {type(self)} than" f"observation right {type(right)}" ) # merge timeseries o = self._merge_timeseries(right, overlap=overlap) # merge metadata if merge_metadata: metadata = {key: getattr(right, key) for key in right._metadata} new_metadata = self.merge_metadata(metadata, overlap=overlap) else: new_metadata = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in self._metadata} for key, item in new_metadata.items(): setattr(o, key, item) return o
[docs]class GroundwaterObs(Obs): """Class for groundwater quantity observations. Subclass of the Obs class. Has the following attributes: - monitoring_well: 2 tubes at one piezometer should have the same 'monitoring_well' - tube_nr: 2 tubes at one piezometer should have a different 'tube_nr'. - screen_top: top op the filter in m above date (NAP) - screen_bottom: bottom of the filter in m above date (NAP) - ground_level: surface level in m above date (NAP) (maaiveld in Dutch) - tube_top: top of the tube in m above date (NAP) - metadata_available: boolean indicating if metadata is available for the measurement point. """ _metadata = Obs._metadata + [ "monitoring_well", "tube_nr", "screen_top", "screen_bottom", "ground_level", "tube_top", "metadata_available", ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor for ObsCollection. Parameters ---------- *args must be input for the pandas.DataFrame constructor **kwargs can be one of the attributes listed in _metadata or keyword arguments for the constructor of a pandas.DataFrame. """ if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], Obs): for key in args[0]._metadata: if (key in GroundwaterObs._metadata) and (key not in kwargs.keys()): kwargs[key] = getattr(args[0], key) self.monitoring_well = kwargs.pop("monitoring_well", "") self.tube_nr = kwargs.pop("tube_nr", "") self.ground_level = kwargs.pop("ground_level", np.nan) self.tube_top = kwargs.pop("tube_top", np.nan) self.screen_top = kwargs.pop("screen_top", np.nan) self.screen_bottom = kwargs.pop("screen_bottom", np.nan) self.metadata_available = kwargs.pop("metadata_available", np.nan) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _constructor(self): return GroundwaterObs
[docs] @classmethod def from_bro( cls, bro_id, tube_nr=None, tmin="1900-01-01", tmax="2040-01-01", to_wintertime=True, drop_duplicate_times=True, only_metadata=False, ): """Download BRO groundwater observations from the server. Parameters ---------- bro_id : str can be a GLD id or GMW id. If a GMW id is given a tube number is required as well. e.g. 'GLD000000012893'. tube_nr : str or None, optional if the bro_id is a GMW object the tube number should be given. tmin : str or None, optional start date in format YYYY-MM-DD tmax : str or None, optional end date in format YYYY-MM-DD to_wintertime : bool, optional if True the time index is converted to Dutch winter time. The default is True. drop_duplicate_times : bool, optional if True rows with a duplicate time stamp are removed keeping only the first row. The default is True. only_metadata : bool, optional if True only metadata is returned and no time series data. The default is False Returns ------- TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ from .io import bro measurements, meta = bro.get_bro_groundwater( bro_id, tube_nr, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, to_wintertime=to_wintertime, drop_duplicate_times=drop_duplicate_times, only_metadata=only_metadata, ) return cls( measurements, meta=meta, name=meta.pop("name"), x=meta.pop("x"), y=meta.pop("y"), source=meta.pop("source"), unit=meta.pop("unit"), screen_bottom=meta.pop("screen_bottom"), screen_top=meta.pop("screen_top"), ground_level=meta.pop("ground_level"), metadata_available=meta.pop("metadata_available"), monitoring_well=meta.pop("monitoring_well"), tube_nr=meta.pop("tube_nr"), tube_top=meta.pop("tube_top"), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_lizard( cls, code, tube_nr=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, type_timeseries="merge", only_metadata=False, ): """Extracts the metadata and timeseries of a observation well from a LIZARD-API based on the code of a monitoring well. Parameters ---------- code : str code of the measuring well tube_nr : int, optional select specific tube top Default selects tube_nr = 1 tmin : str YYYY-m-d, optional start of the observations, by default the entire serie is returned tmax : Ttr YYYY-m-d, optional end of the observations, by default the entire serie is returned type_timeseries : str, optional hand: returns only hand measurements diver: returns only diver measurements merge: the hand and diver measurements into one time series (default) combine: keeps hand and diver measurements separated only_metadata : bool, optional if True only metadata is returned and no time series data. The default is False. Returns ------- ObsCollection Returns a DataFrame with metadata and timeseries """ from .io import lizard measurements, meta = lizard.get_lizard_groundwater( code, tube_nr, tmin, tmax, type_timeseries, only_metadata=only_metadata, ) return cls( measurements, name=meta.pop("name"), x=meta.pop("x"), y=meta.pop("y"), source=meta.pop("source"), unit=meta.pop("unit"), screen_bottom=meta.pop("screen_bottom"), screen_top=meta.pop("screen_top"), ground_level=meta.pop("ground_level"), metadata_available=meta.pop("metadata_available"), monitoring_well=meta.pop("monitoring_well"), tube_nr=meta.pop("tube_nr"), tube_top=meta.pop("tube_top"), meta=meta, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_bronhouderportaal_bro( cls, path, tube_nr, full_meta=False, ): """Load BRO groundwater metadata from XML file. Mind that bro_id is applicable, because file is not yet imported in BRO. Parameters ---------- path : str filepath of XML file. tube_nr : int tube number. full_meta : bool process not only the standard metadata to ObsCollection. Returns ------- ObsCollection ObsCollection containing observations from XML file. """ from .io import bronhouderportaal_bro meta = bronhouderportaal_bro.get_metadata_from_gmw( path, tube_nr, full_meta=full_meta ) empty_df = pd.DataFrame() return cls( empty_df, name=meta.pop("name"), x=meta.pop("x"), y=meta.pop("y"), filename=meta.pop("filename"), source=meta.pop("source"), unit=meta.pop("unit"), screen_bottom=meta.pop("screen_bottom"), screen_top=meta.pop("screen_top"), ground_level=meta.pop("ground_level"), metadata_available=meta.pop("metadata_available"), monitoring_well=meta.pop("monitoring_well"), tube_nr=meta.pop("tube_nr"), tube_top=meta.pop("tube_top"), meta=meta, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dino( cls, path=None, **kwargs, ): """Download dino data from the server. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional path of dino csv file kwargs : key-word arguments these arguments are passed to if path is not None and otherwise to """ from .io import dino # read dino csv file measurements, meta = dino.read_dino_groundwater_csv(path, **kwargs) return cls(measurements, meta=meta, **meta)
[docs] @classmethod def from_artdino_file(cls, path=None, **kwargs): """Read a dino csv file (artdiver style). Parameters ---------- path : str, optional path of dino csv filename kwargs : key-word arguments these arguments are passed to """ from .io import dino # read artdino csv file measurements, meta = dino.read_artdino_groundwater_csv(path, **kwargs) return cls(measurements, meta=meta, **meta)
[docs] @classmethod def from_wiski(cls, path, **kwargs): """Read data from a WISKI file. Parameters: ----------- path : str The path of the file to be read. sep : str, optional (default=";") The delimiter used to separate fields in the file. header_sep : str, optional (default=None) The delimiter used to separate fields in the header. If None, the function will try to automatically detect the separator. header_identifier : str, optional (default="#") The character used to identify header lines. read_series : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to read the time series data from the file. translate_dic : dict, optional (default=None) A dictionary mapping header field names to the desired output names. tz_localize : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to localize the datetime index to the machine's timezone. unit : str, optional (default="") The unit of measurement of the data. **kwargs : keyword arguments Additional arguments to pass to the pandas `read_csv` function. """ from .io import wiski data, metadata = wiski.read_wiski_file(path, **kwargs) return cls(data, meta=metadata, **metadata)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pastastore(cls, pstore, libname, name, metadata_mapping=None): """Read item from pastastore library. Parameters ---------- pstore : pastastore.PastaStore pastastore object libname : str name of library containinig item name : str name of item metadata_mapping : dict, optional dictionary containing map between metadata field names in pastastore (keys) and metadata field names expected by hydropandas (values), by default None. """ from .io import pastas data, metadata = pastas.read_pastastore_item(pstore, libname, name) if metadata_mapping is not None: for pstore_name, oc_name in metadata_mapping.items(): metadata[oc_name] = metadata.get(pstore_name, None) metadata["source"] = "pastastore" kwargs = {} for key, value in metadata.items(): if key in cls._metadata: kwargs[key] = value return cls(data, meta=metadata, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_solinst( cls, path, transform_coords=True, screen_bottom=None, screen_top=None, ground_level=None, tube_nr=None, tube_top=None, ): """Read data from Solinst xle file. Parameters ---------- path : str path to file (file can zip or xle) """ from .io import solinst df, meta = solinst.read_solinst_file(path, transform_coords=transform_coords) return cls( df, meta=meta, name=meta.pop("name"), x=meta.pop("x"), y=meta.pop("y"), filename=meta.pop("filename"), source=meta.pop("source"), unit=meta.pop("unit"), screen_bottom=screen_bottom, screen_top=screen_top, ground_level=ground_level, metadata_available=meta.pop("metadata_available"), monitoring_well=meta.pop("monitoring_well"), tube_nr=tube_nr, tube_top=tube_top, )
[docs]class WaterQualityObs(Obs): """Class for water quality ((grond)watersamenstelling) point observations. Subclass of the Obs class """ _metadata = Obs._metadata + [ "monitoring_well", "tube_nr", "ground_level", "metadata_available", ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], Obs): for key in args[0]._metadata: if (key in WaterQualityObs._metadata) and ( key not in kwargs.keys() ): kwargs[key] = getattr(args[0], key) self.monitoring_well = kwargs.pop("monitoring_well", "") self.tube_nr = kwargs.pop("tube_nr", "") self.ground_level = kwargs.pop("ground_level", np.nan) self.metadata_available = kwargs.pop("metadata_available", np.nan) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _constructor(self): return WaterQualityObs
[docs] @classmethod def from_dino(cls, path, **kwargs): """Read dino file with groundwater quality data. Parameters ---------- path : str path of dino txt filename kwargs : key-word arguments these arguments are passed to """ from .io import dino measurements, meta = dino.read_dino_groundwater_quality_txt(path, **kwargs) return cls(measurements, meta=meta, **meta)
[docs]class WaterlvlObs(Obs): """Class for water level point observations. Subclass of the Obs class """ _metadata = Obs._metadata + ["monitoring_well", "metadata_available"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], Obs): for key in args[0]._metadata: if (key in WaterlvlObs._metadata) and (key not in kwargs.keys()): kwargs[key] = getattr(args[0], key) self.monitoring_well = kwargs.pop("monitoring_well", "") self.metadata_available = kwargs.pop("metadata_available", np.nan) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _constructor(self): return WaterlvlObs
[docs] @classmethod def from_dino(cls, path, **kwargs): """Read a dino file with waterlvl data. Parameters ---------- path : str path of dino csv filename kwargs : key-word arguments these arguments are passed to """ from .io import dino measurements, meta = dino.read_dino_waterlvl_csv(path, **kwargs) return cls(measurements, meta=meta, **meta)
[docs] @classmethod def from_waterinfo(cls, path, **kwargs): """Read data from waterinfo csv-file or zip. Parameters ---------- path : str path to file (file can zip or csv) Returns ------- df : WaterlvlObs WaterlvlObs object Raises ------ ValueError if file contains data for more than one location """ from .io import waterinfo df, metadata = waterinfo.read_waterinfo_file( path, return_metadata=True, **kwargs ) return cls(df, meta=metadata, **metadata)
[docs]class ModelObs(Obs): """Class for model point results. Subclass of the Obs class """ _metadata = Obs._metadata + ["model"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], Obs): for key in args[0]._metadata: if (key in ModelObs._metadata) and (key not in kwargs.keys()): kwargs[key] = getattr(args[0], key) self.model = kwargs.pop("model", "") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _constructor(self): return ModelObs
[docs]class MeteoObs(Obs): """Class for meteorological timeseries. Subclass of the Obs class """ _metadata = Obs._metadata + ["station", "meteo_var"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], Obs): for key in args[0]._metadata: if (key in MeteoObs._metadata) and (key not in kwargs.keys()): kwargs[key] = getattr(args[0], key) self.station = kwargs.pop("station", np.nan) self.meteo_var = kwargs.pop("meteo_var", "") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _constructor(self): return MeteoObs
[docs] @classmethod def from_knmi( cls, meteo_var, stn=None, fname=None, xy=None, start=None, end=None, fill_missing_obs=False, interval="daily", use_api=True, raise_exceptions=True, startdate=None, enddate=None, ): """Get a MeteoObs timeseries from the KNMI meteo data. Parameters ---------- meteo_var : str meteo variable e.g. "RH" or "EV24". For a list of possible variables see the hydropandas.read_knmi function. stn : int, str or None, optional measurement station e.g. 829. The default is None. fname : str, path object, file-like object or None, optional filename of a knmi file. The default is None. xy : list, tuple or None, optional RD coördinates of a location in the Netherlands. The station nearest to this location used. The Default is None. start : str, datetime or None, optional start date of observations. The default is None. end : str, datetime or None, optional end date of observations. The default is None. fill_missing_obs : bool, optional if True nan values in time series are filled with nearby time series. The default is False. interval : str, optional desired time interval for observations. Options are 'daily' and 'hourly'. The default is 'daily'. use_api : bool, optional if True the api is used to obtain the data, API documentation is here: if False a text file is downloaded into a temporary directory and the data is read from there. Default is True since the api is back online (July 2021). raise_exceptions : bool, optional if True you get errors when no data is returned. The default is False. Returns ------- MeteoObs object with meteorological observations """ from .io import knmi if startdate is not None: warnings.warn( "please use 'start' instead of startdate'", DeprecationWarning ) start = startdate if enddate is not None: warnings.warn("please use 'end' instead of enddate'", DeprecationWarning) end = enddate ts, meta = knmi.get_knmi_obs( stn=stn, fname=fname, xy=xy, meteo_var=meteo_var, start=start, end=end, fill_missing_obs=fill_missing_obs, interval=interval, use_api=use_api, raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions, ) return cls( ts, meta=meta, station=meta.pop("station"), x=meta.pop("x"), y=meta.pop("y"), name=meta.pop("name"), source=meta.pop("source"), unit=meta.pop("unit"), meteo_var=meteo_var, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_wow( cls, meteo_var: str, stn: str = None, xy: List[float] = None, start: Optional[pd.Timestamp] = None, end: Optional[pd.Timestamp] = None, ): """Get a MeteoObs timeseries from a station. Parameters ---------- meteo_var : str wow meteo variable stn : Optional[int, str], optional station name xy : Optinal[List[float]], optinial longitude latitude of location [lon, lat] eg: [4.85, 51.95] start : Optional[pd.Timestamp], optional start date of observations, by default None end : Optional[pd.Timestamp], optional start date of observations, by default None Returns ------- MeteoObs """ from .io import wow wow_df, meta = wow.get_wow( stn=stn, xy=xy, meteo_var=meteo_var, start=start, end=end ) return cls( wow_df, meta=meta, station=meta["site"]["id"], x=meta["site"]["geo"]["coordinates"][1], y=meta["site"]["geo"]["coordinates"][0], name=meta["site"]["name"], source="", unit=wow_df.columns[0].split(" ")[-1], meteo_var=meteo_var, )
[docs]class EvaporationObs(MeteoObs): """Class for evaporation timeseries. Subclass of the MeteoObs class """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], Obs): for key in args[0]._metadata: if (key in EvaporationObs._metadata) and (key not in kwargs.keys()): kwargs[key] = getattr(args[0], key) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _constructor(self): return EvaporationObs
[docs] @classmethod def from_knmi( cls, meteo_var="EV24", stn=None, fname=None, xy=None, start=None, end=None, fill_missing_obs=False, interval="daily", use_api=True, raise_exceptions=True, startdate=None, enddate=None, ): """Get an EvaporationObs timeseries from the KNMI evaporation in m. Parameters ---------- meteo_var : str, optional meteo variable should be "EV24". stn : int, str or None, optional measurement station e.g. 829. The default is None. fname : str, path object, file-like object or None, optional filename of a knmi file. The default is None. xy : list, tuple or None, optional RD coördinates of a location in the Netherlands. The station nearest to this location used. The Default is None. start : str, datetime or None, optional start date of observations. The default is None. end : str, datetime or None, optional end date of observations. The default is None. fill_missing_obs : bool, optional if True nan values in time series are filled with nearby time series. The default is False. interval : str, optional desired time interval for observations. Options are 'daily' and 'hourly'. The default is 'daily'. inseason : boolean, optional flag to obtain inseason data. The default is False raise_exceptions : bool, optional if True you get errors when no data is returned. The default is False. use_api : bool, optional if True the api is used to obtain the data, API documentation is here: if False a text file is downloaded into a temporary directory and the data is read from there. Default is True since the api is back online (July 2021). Returns ------- EvaporationObs object with an evaporation time series and attributes """ return super().from_knmi( meteo_var, stn=stn, fname=fname, xy=xy, start=start, end=end, fill_missing_obs=fill_missing_obs, interval=interval, use_api=use_api, raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions, startdate=startdate, enddate=enddate, )
[docs]class PrecipitationObs(MeteoObs): """Class for precipitation timeseries. Subclass of the MeteoObs class """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], Obs): for key in args[0]._metadata: if (key in PrecipitationObs._metadata) and ( key not in kwargs.keys() ): kwargs[key] = getattr(args[0], key) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _constructor(self): return PrecipitationObs
[docs] @classmethod def from_knmi( cls, meteo_var="RH", stn=None, fname=None, xy=None, start=None, end=None, fill_missing_obs=False, interval="daily", use_api=True, raise_exceptions=True, startdate=None, enddate=None, ): """Get a PrecipitationObs timeseries from the KNMI precipitation. The precipitation is the Daily precipitation amount (in 0.1 mm) (-1 for. <0.05 mm). There are 3 different ways to obtain precipitation data from the knmi: 1. Daily data from precipitation (neerslag) stations 2. Daily data from meteo stations 3. Hourly data from meteo stations 1. For daily data from a precipitation station (neerslagstation) meteo_var should be 'RD'. 2. For daily data from a meteo station meteo_var should be 'RH' and interval should be 'daily' (default). 3. For hourly data from a meteo station meteo_var should be 'RH' and interval should be 'hourly'. More information about the differences between neerslag and meteo stations can be found in the hydropandas documentation -> 02_knmi_observations notebook. Parameters ---------- meteo_var : str, optional meteo variable can be "RH" or "RD". "RD" if you want data from a precipitation station (neerslagstation). "RH" if you want data from a meteo station. The default is "RH". stn : int, str or None, optional measurement station e.g. 829. The default is None. fname : str, path object, file-like object or None, optional filename of a knmi file. The default is None. xy : list, tuple or None, optional RD coördinates of a location in the Netherlands. The station nearest to this location used. The Default is None. start : str, datetime or None, optional start date of observations. The default is None. end : str, datetime or None, optional end date of observations. The default is None. fill_missing_obs : bool, optional if True nan values in time series are filled with nearby time series. The default is False. interval : str, optional desired time interval for observations. Options are 'daily' and 'hourly'. The default is 'daily'. use_api : bool, optional if True the api is used to obtain the data, API documentation is here: if False a text file is downloaded into a temporary folder and the data is read from there. Default is True since the api is back online (July 2021). raise_exceptions : bool, optional if True you get errors when no data is returned. The default is False. Returns ------- PrecipitationObs object with a precipitation time series and attributes """ assert meteo_var in [ "RD", "RH", ], 'meteo_var for precipitation should be "RD" or "RH"' return super().from_knmi( meteo_var, stn=stn, fname=fname, xy=xy, start=start, end=end, fill_missing_obs=fill_missing_obs, interval=interval, use_api=use_api, raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions, startdate=startdate, enddate=enddate, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_wow( cls, stn: str = None, xy: List[float] = None, start: Optional[pd.Timestamp] = None, end: Optional[pd.Timestamp] = None, ): """Get a PrecipitationObs timeseries from a station. Parameters ---------- stn : Optional[int, str], optional station name xy : Optinal[List[float]], optinial longitude latitude of location [lon, lat] eg: [4.85, 51.95] start : Optional[pd.Timestamp], optional start date of observations, by default None end : Optional[pd.Timestamp], optional start date of observations, by default None Returns ------- PrecipitationObs """ return super().from_wow( meteo_var="rain_rate", stn=stn, xy=xy, start=start, end=end )