Hydropandas and Pastas

This notebook demonstrates how hydropandas can be used to build Pastas Models. Pastas is a Python package that can be used to simulate and analyze groundwater time series. One of the biggest challenges when making a Pastas Model is to find a valid dataset. The Hydropandas packages can be used to obtain such a dataset. This notebook shows how to build a simple pastas model from Dutch data.

  1. Groundwater observations

  2. Meteo observations

  3. Pastas model

  4. Surface water observations

  5. Pastastore

import hydropandas as hpd
import pastas as ps
import pastastore as pst

import logging



Groundwater observations

First we read the groundwater level observation using the from_dino function of a GroundwaterObs object. The code below reads the groundwater level timeseries from a csv file in the data directory.

gw_levels = hpd.GroundwaterObs.from_dino(r"data/B49F0555001_1.csv")
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> B49F0555001_1

Note that gw_levels is a GroundwaterObs object. This is basically a pandas DataFrame with additional methods and attributes related to groundwater level observations. We can print gw_levels to see all of its properties.

GroundwaterObs B49F0555-001
name : B49F0555-001
x : 94532.0
y : 399958.0
filename : B49F0555001_1
source : dino
unit : m NAP
monitoring_well : B49F0555
tube_nr : 1.0
screen_top : -0.75
screen_bottom : -1.75
ground_level : -0.61
tube_top : -0.15
metadata_available : True

-----time series------
            stand_m_tov_nap   locatie  filternummer  stand_cm_tov_mp  \
2003-02-14            -0.64  B49F0555             1             49.0
2003-02-26            -0.71  B49F0555             1             56.0
2003-03-14            -0.81  B49F0555             1             66.0
2003-03-28            -0.92  B49F0555             1             77.0
2003-04-14            -0.81  B49F0555             1             66.0
...                     ...       ...           ...              ...
2013-10-26            -0.71  B49F0555             1             56.0
2013-10-27            -0.72  B49F0555             1             57.0
2013-10-28            -0.71  B49F0555             1             56.0
2013-10-29            -0.67  B49F0555             1             52.0
2013-10-30            -0.66  B49F0555             1             51.0

            stand_cm_tov_mv  stand_cm_tov_nap bijzonderheid  opmerking
2003-02-14              3.0             -64.0           NaN        NaN
2003-02-26             10.0             -71.0           NaN        NaN
2003-03-14             20.0             -81.0           NaN        NaN
2003-03-28             31.0             -92.0           NaN        NaN
2003-04-14             20.0             -81.0           NaN        NaN
...                     ...               ...           ...        ...
2013-10-26             10.0             -71.0           NaN        NaN
2013-10-27             11.0             -72.0           NaN        NaN
2013-10-28             10.0             -71.0           NaN        NaN
2013-10-29              6.0             -67.0           NaN        NaN
2013-10-30              5.0             -66.0           NaN        NaN

[2241 rows x 8 columns]

The GroundwaterObs object comes with its own plot methods, to quickly visualize the data:

ax = gw_levels["stand_m_tov_nap"].plot(
    figsize=(12, 3),
    ylabel="m NAP",
    title="groundwater observations",

Meteo observations

We can obtain evaporation and precipitation data from the knmi using the from_knmi_nearest_xy method in hydropandas. For a given set of (x,y) coordinates it will find the closest KNMI meteostation and download the data. If there are missing measurements they are filled automatically using the value of a nearby station.

evaporation = hpd.EvaporationObs.from_knmi(
    xy=(gw_levels.x, gw_levels.y),
precipitation = hpd.PrecipitationObs.from_knmi(
    xy=(gw_levels.x, gw_levels.y),
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:get KNMI data from station nearest to coordinates (94532.0, 399958.0) and meteovariable EV24
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 340-WOENSDRECHT between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 340-WOENSDRECHT between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 340 has no measurements between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to get measurements from nearest station
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 331-THOLEN between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 331-THOLEN between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 331 has no measurements between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to get measurements from nearest station
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 315-HANSWEERT between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 315-HANSWEERT between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 315 has no measurements between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to get measurements from nearest station
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 323-WILHELMINADORP between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 323 has 3 missing measurements
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 3 measurements with station [324]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 324-STAVENISSE between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 324-STAVENISSE between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
WARNING:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 324 cannot be downloaded
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 3 measurements with station [316]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 316-SCHAAR between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 316-SCHAAR between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
WARNING:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 316 cannot be downloaded
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 3 measurements with station [310]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 310-VLISSINGEN between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:get KNMI data from station nearest to coordinates (94532.0, 399958.0) and meteovariable RH
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi RH data from station 340-WOENSDRECHT between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 340-WOENSDRECHT between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 340 has no measurements between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to get measurements from nearest station
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi RH data from station 331-THOLEN between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 331-THOLEN between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 331 has no measurements between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to get measurements from nearest station
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi RH data from station 315-HANSWEERT between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 315-HANSWEERT between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 315 has no measurements between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to get measurements from nearest station
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi RH data from station 323-WILHELMINADORP between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 323 has 3 missing measurements
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 3 measurements with station [324]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi RH data from station 324-STAVENISSE between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 324-STAVENISSE between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
WARNING:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 324 cannot be downloaded
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 3 measurements with station [316]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi RH data from station 316-SCHAAR between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 316-SCHAAR between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
WARNING:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 316 cannot be downloaded
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 3 measurements with station [310]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi RH data from station 310-VLISSINGEN between 2003-02-14 00:00:00 and 2013-10-30 00:00:00
ax = precipitation["RH"].plot(label="precipitation", legend=True, figsize=(12, 3))
    title="meteo observations",
<Axes: title={'center': 'meteo observations'}, ylabel='m/dag'>

Pastas model

Now that we have groundwater observations and meteo data we can create a Pastas model.

ml = ps.Model(gw_levels["stand_m_tov_nap"], name=gw_levels.name)

# Add the recharge data as explanatory variable
ts1 = ps.RechargeModel(
    settings=("prec", "evap"),


Fit report B49F0555-001            Fit Statistics
nfev    35                     EVP          58.13
nobs    1764                   R2            0.58
noise   True                   RMSE          0.09
tmin    2009-01-01 00:00:00    AIC      -11449.32
tmax    2013-10-30 00:00:00    BIC      -11416.47
freq    D                      Obj           1.33
warmup  3650 days 00:00:00     ___
solver  LeastSquares           Interp.         No

Parameters (6 optimized)
               optimal   stderr     initial  vary
rainevap_A   36.288161  ±13.14%  199.486999  True
rainevap_n    0.783781   ±4.19%    1.000000  True
rainevap_a   13.784595  ±21.58%   10.000000  True
rainevap_f   -2.000000  ±12.91%   -1.000000  True
constant_d   -0.750944   ±2.00%   -0.774436  True
noise_alpha   9.830169   ±9.95%    1.000000  True

Warnings! (1)
Parameter 'rainevap_f' on lower bound: -2.00e+00
ml.plots.results(figsize=(10, 6))
[<Axes: xlabel='peildatum'>,
 <Axes: xlabel='peildatum'>,
 <Axes: title={'right': "Stresses: ['RH_WILHELMINADORP', 'EV24_WILHELMINADORP']"}>,
 <Axes: title={'center': 'Step response'}, xlabel='Time [days]'>,
 <Axes: title={'left': 'Model Parameters ($n_c$=6)'}>]

Surface water observations

Our model is not always able to simulate the groundwater level accurately. Maybe it will improve if we add surface water observations. The code below is used to read the surface water level timeseries from a csv file in the data directory.

river_levels = hpd.WaterlvlObs.from_dino(r"data/P43H0001.csv")
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> P43H0001

We can plot the data together with the groundwater levels.

ax = gw_levels["stand_m_tov_nap"].plot(
    figsize=(12, 3),
    ylabel="m NAP",
    ax=ax, grid=True, label=river_levels.name, legend=True
<Axes: title={'center': 'observations'}, xlabel='peildatum', ylabel='m NAP'>

As can be observed in the plot above, there is a downward shift in the surface water levels at the end of 2014. Clearly something went wrong with the registration of the river levels. We assume that the negative values from the end of 2014 onwards are correct. The positive values were registered incorrectly (missing a minus sign). We fix the timeseries by updating the ‘stand_m_tov_nap’ column of the WaterlvlObs object named river_levels.

river_levels["stand_m_tov_nap"] = river_levels["stand_m_tov_nap"].abs() * -1

Now we plot the timeseries again, to see if the applied fix looks reasonable.

ax = gw_levels["stand_m_tov_nap"].plot(
    figsize=(12, 3),
    ylabel="m NAP",
    ax=ax, grid=True, label=river_levels.name, legend=True
<Axes: title={'center': 'observations'}, xlabel='peildatum', ylabel='m NAP'>

Now we add the river levels as an external stress in the pastas model.

w = ps.StressModel(

ml.plots.results(figsize=(10, 6))
Fit report B49F0555-001                 Fit Statistics
nfev    35                     EVP               77.67
nobs    1764                   R2                 0.78
noise   True                   RMSE               0.07
tmin    2009-01-01 00:00:00    AIC           -11466.58
tmax    2013-10-30 00:00:00    BIC           -11428.25
freq    D                      Obj                1.32
warmup  3650 days 00:00:00     ___
solver  LeastSquares           Interp.              No

Parameters (7 optimized)
                   optimal    stderr     initial  vary
rainevap_A     1024.998645   ±90.66%  199.486999  True
rainevap_n        0.594123    ±3.82%    1.000000  True
rainevap_a    10000.000000  ±185.16%   10.000000  True
rainevap_f       -0.951316   ±13.91%   -1.000000  True
waterlevel_d      0.298044   ±13.67%    0.161028  True
constant_d       -0.948496   ±12.98%   -0.774436  True
noise_alpha       4.789231    ±7.41%    1.000000  True

Warnings! (2)
Parameter 'rainevap_a' on upper bound: 1.00e+04
Response tmax for 'rainevap' > than calibration period.
[<Axes: xlabel='peildatum'>,
 <Axes: xlabel='peildatum'>,
 <Axes: title={'right': "Stresses: ['RH_WILHELMINADORP', 'EV24_WILHELMINADORP']"}>,
 <Axes: title={'center': 'Step response'}, xlabel='Time [days]'>,
 <Axes: title={'right': "Stresses: ['P43H0001']"}>,
 <Axes: title={'center': 'Step response'}, xlabel='Time [days]'>,
 <Axes: title={'left': 'Model Parameters ($n_c$=7)'}>]

We can see that the evp has increased when we’ve added the water level stress, does this mean that the model improved? Please have a look at the pastas documentation for more information on this subject.


We can also use the hydropandas package to create a PastaStore with multiple observations. A Pastastore is a combination of observations, stresses and pastas time series models. More information on the Pastastore can be found here.

Groundwater observations

First we read multiple observations from a directory with dino groundwater measurements. We store them in an ObsCollection object named oc_dino.

extent = [117850, 117980, 439550, 439700]  # Schoonhoven zuid-west
dinozip = "data/dino.zip"
oc_dino = hpd.read_dino(dirname=dinozip, keep_all_obs=False)
oc_dino = oc_dino.loc[
    ["B58A0092-004", "B58A0092-005", "B58A0102-001", "B58A0167-001", "B58A0212-001"]
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B02H0092001_1.csv
WARNING:hydropandas.io.dino:no NAP measurements available -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B02H0092001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B02H1007001_1.csv
WARNING:hydropandas.io.dino:no NAP measurements available -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B02H1007001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B04D0032002_1.csv
WARNING:hydropandas.io.dino:could not read metadata -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B04D0032002_1.csv
WARNING:hydropandas.io.dino:no NAP measurements available -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B04D0032002_1.csv
INFO:root:not added to collection -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B04D0032002_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B27D0260001_1.csv
WARNING:hydropandas.io.dino:could not read metadata -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B27D0260001_1.csv
WARNING:hydropandas.io.dino:no NAP measurements available -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B27D0260001_1.csv
INFO:root:not added to collection -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B27D0260001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B33F0080001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B33F0080002_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B33F0133001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B33F0133002_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B37A0112001_1.csv
WARNING:hydropandas.io.dino:could not read metadata -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B37A0112001_1.csv
WARNING:hydropandas.io.dino:could not read measurements -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B37A0112001_1.csv
INFO:root:not added to collection -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B37A0112001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B42B0003001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B42B0003002_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B42B0003003_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B42B0003004_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0092004_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0092005_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0102001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0167001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0212001_1.csv
INFO:hydropandas.io.dino:reading -> Grondwaterstanden_Put/B22D0155001_1.csv
x y filename source unit monitoring_well tube_nr screen_top screen_bottom ground_level tube_top metadata_available obs
B58A0092-004 186924.0 372026.0 Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0092004_1.csv dino m NAP B58A0092 4.0 -115.23 -117.23 29.85 29.61 True GroundwaterObs B58A0092-004 -----metadata-----...
B58A0092-005 186924.0 372026.0 Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0092005_1.csv dino m NAP B58A0092 5.0 -134.23 -137.23 29.84 29.62 True GroundwaterObs B58A0092-005 -----metadata-----...
B58A0102-001 187900.0 373025.0 Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0102001_1.csv dino m NAP B58A0102 1.0 -3.35 -8.35 29.65 29.73 True GroundwaterObs B58A0102-001 -----metadata-----...
B58A0167-001 185745.0 371095.0 Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0167001_1.csv dino m NAP B58A0167 1.0 23.33 22.33 30.50 30.21 True GroundwaterObs B58A0167-001 -----metadata-----...
B58A0212-001 183600.0 373020.0 Grondwaterstanden_Put/B58A0212001_1.csv dino m NAP B58A0212 1.0 26.03 25.53 28.49 28.53 True GroundwaterObs B58A0212-001 -----metadata-----...

Using the to_pastastore() method we can export the Dino measurements to a pastastore.

# add observations to pastastore
pstore = oc_dino.to_pastastore()
INFO:hydropandas.io.pastas:add to pastastore -> B58A0092-004
INFO:hydropandas.io.pastas:add to pastastore -> B58A0092-005
INFO:hydropandas.io.pastas:add to pastastore -> B58A0102-001
INFO:hydropandas.io.pastas:add to pastastore -> B58A0167-001
INFO:hydropandas.io.pastas:add to pastastore -> B58A0212-001


Besides the groundwater level observations we also want to add meteo data as external stresses in the pastastore. We use the read_knmi function to obtain the meteo data. For locations we use the ObsCollection with Dino data to get the KNMI station data nearest to our Dino observations. We specify tmin and tmax to get meteo data for the same period as our observations. Finally, we use the meteo_vars=('RH', 'EV24') to specify that we want precipitation (RH) and evaporation (EV24) observations respectively.

# get tmin and tmax
tmintmax = pstore.get_tmin_tmax("oseries")
tmin = tmintmax.tmin.min()
tmax = tmintmax.tmax.max()

# get precipitation and evaporation
meteo_vars = ("RH", "EV24")

# get knmi ObsCollection
knmi_oc = hpd.read_knmi(
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:get KNMI data from station 377 and meteo variable RHfrom 1963-05-28 00:00:00 to 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi RH data from station 377-ELL between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 377 has no measurements before 1999-07-16 01:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 377 has 13198 missing measurements
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 13198 measurements with station [380]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi RH data from station 380-MAASTRICHT between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:get KNMI data from station 377 and meteo variable EV24from 1963-05-28 00:00:00 to 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 377-ELL between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 377 has no measurements before 1999-07-16 01:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 377 has 13198 missing measurements
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 13198 measurements with station [380]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 380-MAASTRICHT between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 371 measurements with station [370]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 370-EINDHOVEN between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 371 measurements with station [391]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 391-ARCEN between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 371 measurements with station [375]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 375-VOLKEL between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 371 measurements with station [350]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 350-GILZE-RIJEN between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 371 measurements with station [356]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 356-HERWIJNEN between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 371 measurements with station [275]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 275-DEELEN between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 371 measurements with station [340]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 340-WOENSDRECHT between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:no measurements found for station 340-WOENSDRECHT between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
WARNING:hydropandas.io.knmi:station 340 cannot be downloaded
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 371 measurements with station [348]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 348-CABAUW-MAST between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:trying to fill 371 measurements with station [260]
INFO:hydropandas.io.knmi:download knmi EV24 data from station 260-DE-BILT between 1963-05-28 00:00:00 and 2018-07-24 00:00:00
x y filename source unit station meteo_var obs
RH_ELL 181242.447083 356427.781413 KNMI 377 RH PrecipitationObs RH_ELL -----metadata------ na...
EV24_ELL 181242.447083 356427.781413 KNMI 377 EV24 EvaporationObs EV24_ELL -----metadata------ na...

Using the to_pastastore method we export the meteo observations as external stresses to the pastastore. Note that we add the stresses to the existing pastastore (pstore) with our groundwater observations.

# add stresses to pastastore
kinds = ("prec", "evap")

for i, meteo_var in enumerate(meteo_vars):
    knmi_oc[knmi_oc.meteo_var == meteo_var].to_pastastore(
        pstore, col=None, kind=kinds[i]
INFO:hydropandas.io.pastas:add to pastastore -> RH_ELL
INFO:hydropandas.io.pastas:add to pastastore -> EV24_ELL
<PastaStore> :
 - <DictConnector> 'my_db': 5 oseries, 2 stresses, 0 models

Creating and solving models

The Pastastore contains time series with observation and stresses. This means we can build and solve the pastas models using the create_models_bulk and solve_models methods.

pstore.create_models_bulk(store=True, add_recharge=True, ignore_errors=False)
Bulk creation models:   0%|          | 0/5 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Bulk creation models: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:00<00:00, 16.86it/s]
Solving models: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:03<00:00,  1.43it/s]
<PastaStore> :
 - <DictConnector> 'my_db': 5 oseries, 2 stresses, 5 models

Model results, such as explained variance percentage (evp), can be obtained using the get_statistics method.

B58A0092-004     0.000000
B58A0092-005    48.821134
B58A0102-001    84.360621
B58A0167-001    77.290365
B58A0212-001    65.252635
Name: evp, dtype: float64

Finally we can extract a single model from the pastastore to visualise its results.

# results from a single model
ml1 = pstore.get_models("B58A0167-001")
[<Axes: >,
 <Axes: >,
 <Axes: title={'right': "Stresses: ['RH_ELL', 'EV24_ELL']"}>,
 <Axes: title={'center': 'Step response'}, xlabel='Time [days]'>,
 <Axes: title={'left': 'Model Parameters ($n_c$=5)'}>]