Reading Bronhouderportaal BRO data

This notebook introduces how to use the hydropandas package to read, visualise and analyse meta data of newly installed groundwater wells. These meta data is to be submitted to Bronhouderportaal BRO afterwards.

Notebook contents

  1. Read ObsCollection

  2. Visualise ObsCollection

  3. Analyse ObsCollection

import hydropandas as hpd

import logging
from IPython.display import HTML

import pandas as pd
<RootLogger root (INFO)>

Read ObsCollection

An ObsCollection is created for the multiple monitoring wells.

dirname = "data/bronhouderportaal-bro"
oc = hpd.read_bronhouderportaal_bro(dirname, full_meta=True, add_to_df=True)
x y filename source unit monitoring_well tube_nr screen_top screen_bottom ground_level ... constructionStandard tubeGlue artesianWellCapPresent plainTubePartLength wellHeadProtector objectIdAccountableParty owner tube_bottom tubeMaterial variableDiameter
GROND5_B1-1#000-1 56525.207 386749.698 GROND5_B1-1.xml bronhouderportaal-bro m NAP GROND5_B1-1#000 1 -10.64 -11.64 0.36 ... NEN5766 geen ja 11.50 kokerNietMetaal B1-1 111 -12.64 pvc nee
GROND5_B1-1#000-2 56525.207 386749.698 GROND5_B1-1.xml bronhouderportaal-bro m NAP GROND5_B1-1#000 2 -1.14 -2.14 0.36 ... NEN5766 geen ja 2.21 kokerNietMetaal B1-1 111 -3.14 pvc nee
GROND5_B1-2#000-1 56336.522 386967.299 GROND5_B1-2.xml bronhouderportaal-bro m NAP GROND5_B1-2#000 1 -9.33 -10.33 1.67 ... NEN5766 geen ja 11.49 kokerNietMetaal B1-2 111 -11.33 pvc nee
GROND5_B1-2#000-2 56336.522 386967.299 GROND5_B1-2.xml bronhouderportaal-bro m NAP GROND5_B1-2#000 2 0.17 -0.83 1.67 ... NEN5766 geen ja 2.17 kokerNietMetaal B1-2 111 -1.83 pvc nee
GROND5_B1-3#000-1 56349.209 387156.262 GROND5_B1-3.xml bronhouderportaal-bro m NAP GROND5_B1-3#000 1 -9.70 -10.70 1.30 ... NEN5766 geen ja 11.44 kokerNietMetaal B1-3 111 -11.70 pvc nee
GROND5_B1-3#000-2 56349.209 387156.262 GROND5_B1-3.xml bronhouderportaal-bro m NAP GROND5_B1-3#000 2 -0.20 -1.20 1.30 ... NEN5766 geen ja 2.20 kokerNietMetaal B1-3 111 -2.20 pvc nee

6 rows × 44 columns

Visualize ObsCollection

Visualize the ObsCollection.

WARNING:hydropandas.extensions.plots:all observations in the collection are empty
INFO:hydropandas.extensions.plots:no iplot available for GROND5_B1-1#000-2
INFO:hydropandas.extensions.plots:no iplot available for GROND5_B1-2#000-2
INFO:hydropandas.extensions.plots:no iplot available for GROND5_B1-3#000-2
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
INFO:hydropandas.extensions.plots:created sectionplot -> GROND5_B1-3#000-2
(<Figure size 1500x500 with 1 Axes>, [<Axes: ylabel='m NAP'>])

Analyse ObsCollection

Visualize the ObsCollection.

First step is to check which columns have unique values for all wells. E.g. the owner should be the same for all wells. That requires that we drop the obs column, beceause pd.nunique cannot deal with that specific HydroPandas column-type.

oc_temp = oc.copy().drop(["obs"], axis=1)
oc_unique = oc_temp.iloc[0][oc_temp.columns[oc_temp.nunique() <= 1]]
source                              bronhouderportaal-bro
unit                                                m NAP
metadata_available                                   True
initialFunction                                     stand
sedimentSumpLength                                    1.0
deliveryAccountableParty                              111
screenLength                                          1.0
deliveredVerticalPosition_offset                      0.0
horizontalPositioningMethod                RTKGPS5tot10cm
localVerticalReferencePoint                           NAP
tubeStatus                                  gebruiksklaar
qualityRegime                                       IMBRO
tubeTopDiameter_unit                                   mm
groundLevelStable                                      ja
sockMaterial                                         geen
sedimentSumpPresent                                    ja
tubeTopPositioningMethod                   RTKGPS4tot10cm
tubeType                                    standaardbuis
tubePackingMaterial                           filtergrind
numberOfGeoOhmCables                                    0
deliveryContext                                        WW
groundLevelPositioningMethod          tachymetrie0tot10cm
tubeTopDiameter                                      25.0
constructionStandard                              NEN5766
tubeGlue                                             geen
artesianWellCapPresent                                 ja
wellHeadProtector                         kokerNietMetaal
owner                                                 111
tubeMaterial                                          pvc
variableDiameter                                      nee
iplot_fname                                           NaN
Name: , dtype: object
oc_non_unique = oc[oc.columns.drop(oc_temp.columns[oc_temp.nunique() <= 1])]
x y filename monitoring_well tube_nr screen_top screen_bottom ground_level tube_top obs wellConstructionDate plainTubePartLength objectIdAccountableParty tube_bottom lat lon
GROND5_B1-1#000-1 56525.207 386749.698 GROND5_B1-1.xml GROND5_B1-1#000 1 -10.64 -11.64 0.36 0.86 GroundwaterObs GROND5_B1-1#000-1 -----metadata... 2020-06-23 11.50 B1-1 -12.64 51.461207 3.970150
GROND5_B1-1#000-2 56525.207 386749.698 GROND5_B1-1.xml GROND5_B1-1#000 2 -1.14 -2.14 0.36 1.07 GroundwaterObs GROND5_B1-1#000-2 -----metadata... 2020-06-23 2.21 B1-1 -3.14 51.461207 3.970150
GROND5_B1-2#000-1 56336.522 386967.299 GROND5_B1-2.xml GROND5_B1-2#000 1 -9.33 -10.33 1.67 2.16 GroundwaterObs GROND5_B1-2#000-1 -----metadata... 2020-06-18 11.49 B1-2 -11.33 51.463129 3.967375
GROND5_B1-2#000-2 56336.522 386967.299 GROND5_B1-2.xml GROND5_B1-2#000 2 0.17 -0.83 1.67 2.34 GroundwaterObs GROND5_B1-2#000-2 -----metadata... 2020-06-18 2.17 B1-2 -1.83 51.463129 3.967375
GROND5_B1-3#000-1 56349.209 387156.262 GROND5_B1-3.xml GROND5_B1-3#000 1 -9.70 -10.70 1.30 1.74 GroundwaterObs GROND5_B1-3#000-1 -----metadata... 2020-06-22 11.44 B1-3 -11.70 51.464829 3.967504
GROND5_B1-3#000-2 56349.209 387156.262 GROND5_B1-3.xml GROND5_B1-3#000 2 -0.20 -1.20 1.30 2.00 GroundwaterObs GROND5_B1-3#000-2 -----metadata... 2020-06-22 2.20 B1-3 -2.20 51.464829 3.967504
# get statistics
x y tube_nr screen_top screen_bottom ground_level tube_top plainTubePartLength tube_bottom lat lon
count 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 6.00000 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000
mean 56403.646000 386957.753000 1.500000 -5.140000 -6.140000 1.110000 1.69500 6.835000 -7.140000 51.463055 3.968343
std 94.331533 181.971242 0.547723 5.238309 5.238309 0.604053 0.60252 5.084749 5.238309 0.001621 0.001401
min 56336.522000 386749.698000 1.000000 -10.640000 -11.640000 0.360000 0.86000 2.170000 -12.640000 51.461207 3.967375
25% 56339.693750 386804.098250 1.000000 -9.607500 -10.607500 0.595000 1.23750 2.202500 -11.607500 51.461687 3.967407
50% 56349.209000 386967.299000 1.500000 -5.235000 -6.235000 1.300000 1.87000 6.825000 -7.235000 51.463129 3.967504
75% 56481.207500 387109.021250 2.000000 -0.435000 -1.435000 1.577500 2.12000 11.477500 -2.435000 51.464404 3.969489
max 56525.207000 387156.262000 2.000000 0.170000 -0.830000 1.670000 2.34000 11.500000 -1.830000 51.464829 3.970150

Check the usage of tube_nr. Has tube number one the lowest screen_bottom and lowest screen_top?

lst_lowest_tube = []
for monitoring_well in oc.monitoring_well.unique():
    oc_mw = oc.loc[oc.monitoring_well == monitoring_well]

    lowest_screen_bottom_tube_nr = oc_mw.loc[
        oc_mw.screen_bottom == oc_mw.screen_bottom.min(), "tube_nr"

    lowest_screen_top_tube_nr = oc_mw.loc[
        oc_mw.screen_top == oc_mw.screen_top.min(), "tube_nr"

        [monitoring_well, lowest_screen_bottom_tube_nr, lowest_screen_top_tube_nr]

df_lowest_tube = pd.DataFrame(

lowest_screen_bottom_tube_nr lowest_screen_top_tube_nr
GROND5_B1-1#000 1 1
GROND5_B1-2#000 1 1
GROND5_B1-3#000 1 1

Upload to Bronhouderportaal BRO

Upload the XML-files to Bronhouderportaal BRO via the website.

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