Source code for

import datetime
import logging
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from io import StringIO
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .. import observation
from ..observation import Obs

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def read_xml_fname( fname: str, ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]], translate_dic: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, low_memory: bool = True, locationIds: Optional[List[str]] = None, filterdict: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, return_events: bool = True, keep_flags: Tuple[int] = (0, 1), return_df: bool = False, tags: Tuple[str] = ("series", "header", "event"), remove_nan: bool = False, **kwargs: dict, # unused ): """Read an xml filename into a list of observations objects. Parameters ---------- fname : str full path to file ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]] class of the observations, e.g. GroundwaterObs or WaterlvlObs translate_dic : dic or None, optional translate names from fews. If None this default dictionary is used: {'locationId': 'monitoring_well'}. low_memory : bool, optional whether to use xml-parsing method with lower memory footprint, default is True locationIds : tuple or list of str, optional list of locationId's to read from XML file, others are skipped. If None (default) all locations are read. filterdict : dict, optional dictionary with tag name to apply filter to as keys, and list of accepted names as dictionary values to keep in final result, i.e. {"locationId": ["B001", "B002"]} return_events : bool, optional return all event-information in a DataFrame per location, instead of just a Series (defaults to False). Overrules keep_flags kwarg. keep_flags : list of ints, optional keep the values with these flags (defaults to 0 and 1). Only used when return_events is False. tags : list of strings, optional Select the tags to be parsed. Defaults to series, header and event return_df : bool, optional return a DataFame with the data, instead of two lists (default is False) remove_nan : boolean, optional remove nan values from measurements, flag information about the nan values is also lost, only used if low_memory=False Returns ------- list of ObsClass objects list of timeseries stored in ObsClass objects """ if translate_dic is None: translate_dic = {"locationId": "monitoring_well"} if low_memory is True: obs_list = iterparse_pi_xml( fname, ObsClass, translate_dic=translate_dic, locationIds=locationIds, filterdict=filterdict, return_events=return_events, keep_flags=keep_flags, return_df=return_df, tags=tags, ) else: tree = etree.parse(fname) root = tree.getroot() obs_list = read_xml_root( root, ObsClass, translate_dic=translate_dic, locationIds=locationIds, remove_nan=remove_nan, ) return obs_list
[docs]def iterparse_pi_xml( fname: str, ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]], translate_dic: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, filterdict: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, locationIds: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_events: bool = True, keep_flags: Tuple[int] = (0, 1), return_df: bool = False, tags: Tuple[str] = ("series", "header", "event"), ): """Read a FEWS XML-file with measurements, memory efficient. Parameters ---------- fname : str full path to file ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]], class of the observations, e.g. GroundwaterObs or WaterlvlObs translate_dic : dic or None, optional translate names from fews. If None this default dictionary is used: {'locationId': 'monitoring_well'}. locationIds : tuple or list of str, optional list of locationId's to read from XML file, others are skipped. If None (default) all locations are read. filterdict : dict, optional dictionary with tag name to apply filter to as keys, and list of accepted names as dictionary values to keep in final result, i.e. {"locationId": ["B001", "B002"]} return_events : bool, optional return all event-information in a DataFrame per location, instead of just a Series (defaults to False). Overrules keep_flags kwarg. keep_flags : list of ints, optional keep the values with these flags (defaults to 0 and 1). Only used when return_events is False. tags : list of strings, optional Select the tags to be parsed. Defaults to series, header and event return_df : bool, optional return a DataFame with the data, instead of two lists (default is False) Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame a DataFrame containing the metadata and the series if 'return_df' is True obs_list : list of pandas Series list of timeseries if 'return_df' is False """ from lxml.etree import iterparse if translate_dic is None: translate_dic = {"locationId": "monitoring_well"} tags = ["{{}}{}".format(tag) for tag in tags] context = iterparse(fname, tag=tags) # _, root = next(context) header_list = [] obs_list = [] keep_flags = [str(flag) for flag in keep_flags] for _, element in context: if element.tag.endswith("header"): header = {} for h_attr in element: tag = h_attr.tag.replace( "{{{0}}}".format(""), "" ) if tag.startswith("locationId"):"reading {h_attr.text}") # if specific locations are provided only read those if locationIds is not None and tag.startswith("locationId"): loc = h_attr.text if loc not in locationIds: element.clear()" ... skipping '{loc}', not in locationIds") continue if filterdict is not None: for k, v in filterdict.items(): if tag.startswith(k): attr = h_attr.text if attr not in v: element.clear() f" ... skipping '{attr}' not " f"in accepted values for '{k}'" ) continue if h_attr.text is not None: header[tag] = h_attr.text elif len(h_attr.attrib) != 0: header[tag] = {**h_attr.attrib} else: header[tag] = None events = [] elif element.tag.endswith("event"): # if specific locations are provided only read those if locationIds is not None: if loc not in locationIds: element.clear() continue if filterdict is not None: skip = False for ( k, v, ) in filterdict.items(): if header.get(k, None) not in v: skip = True if skip: element.clear() continue events.append({**element.attrib}) elif element.tag.endswith("series"): # if specific locations are provided only read those if locationIds is not None: if loc not in locationIds: element.clear() continue if filterdict is not None: skip = False for ( k, v, ) in filterdict.items(): if header.get(k, None) not in v: skip = True if skip: element.clear() continue if len(events) == 0: if return_events: ts = pd.DataFrame() else: ts = pd.Series() else: df = pd.DataFrame(events) df.index = pd.to_datetime( [d + " " + t for d, t in zip(df["date"], df["time"])], errors="coerce", ) df.drop(columns=["date", "time"], inplace=True) if return_events: df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"], errors="coerce") df["flag"] = pd.to_numeric(df["flag"]) ts = df else: mask = df["flag"].isin(keep_flags) ts = pd.to_numeric(df.loc[mask, "value"], errors="coerce") o, header = _obs_from_meta(ts, header, translate_dic, ObsClass) header_list.append(header) obs_list.append(o) # Free memory. element.clear() if return_df: for h, s in zip(header_list, obs_list): h["series"] = s return pd.DataFrame(header_list) else: return obs_list
[docs]def read_xmlstring( xmlstring: str, ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]], translate_dic: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, filterdict: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, locationIds: Optional[List[str]] = None, low_memory: bool = True, remove_nan: bool = False, ): """Read xmlstring into an list of Obs objects. Xmlstrings are usually obtained using a fews api. Parameters ---------- xmlstring : str xml string to be parsed. Typically from a fews api. ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]] class of the observations, e.g. GroundwaterObs or WaterlvlObs translate_dic : dic or None, optional translate names from fews. If None this default dictionary is used: {'locationId': 'monitoring_well'}. locationIds : tuple or list of str, optional list of locationId's to read from XML file, others are skipped. If None (default) all locations are read. low_memory : bool, optional whether to use xml-parsing method with lower memory footprint, default is True remove_nan : boolean, optional remove nan values from measurements, flag information about the nan values is also lost, only used if low_memory=False Returns ------- list of ObsClass objects list of timeseries stored in ObsClass objects """ if translate_dic is None: translate_dic = {"locationId": "monitoring_well"} if low_memory: obs_list = iterparse_pi_xml( StringIO(xmlstring), ObsClass, translate_dic=translate_dic, filterdict=filterdict, locationIds=locationIds, ) else: root = etree.fromstring(xmlstring) obs_list = read_xml_root( root, ObsClass, translate_dic=translate_dic, locationIds=locationIds, remove_nan=remove_nan, ) return obs_list
[docs]def read_xml_root( root: etree.Element, ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]], translate_dic: Dict[str, str] = None, locationIds: List[str] = None, remove_nan: bool = False, ): """Read a FEWS XML-file with measurements, return list of ObsClass objects. Parameters ---------- root : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element root element of a fews xml ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]], class of the observations, e.g. GroundwaterObs or WaterlvlObs translate_dic : dic or None, optional translate names from fews. If None this default dictionary is used: {'locationId': 'monitoring_well'}. locationIds : tuple or list of str, optional list of locationId's to read from XML file, others are skipped. If None (default) all locations are read. remove_nan : boolean, optional remove nan values from measurements, flag information about the nan values is also lost Returns ------- list of ObsClass objects list of timeseries stored in ObsClass objects """ if translate_dic is None: translate_dic = {"locationId": "monitoring_well"} obs_list = [] for item in root: if item.tag.endswith("series"): header = {} date = [] time = [] events = [] for subitem in item: if subitem.tag.endswith("header"): for subsubitem in subitem: prop = subsubitem.tag.split("}")[-1] val = subsubitem.text if prop == "x" or prop == "y" or prop == "lat" or prop == "lon": val = float(val) header[prop] = val if prop == "locationId":"read {val}") elif subitem.tag.endswith("event"): date.append(subitem.attrib.pop("date")) time.append(subitem.attrib.pop("time")) events.append({**subitem.attrib}) # combine events in a dataframe index = pd.to_datetime( [d + " " + t for d, t in zip(date, time)], errors="coerce" ) ts = pd.DataFrame(events, index=index) if not ts.empty: ts["value"] = ts["value"].astype(float) if remove_nan: ts.dropna(subset=["value"], inplace=True) header["unit"] = "m NAP" o, header = _obs_from_meta(ts, header, translate_dic, ObsClass) if locationIds is not None: if header["monitoring_well"] in locationIds: obs_list.append(o) else: obs_list.append(o) return obs_list
def _obs_from_meta( ts: pd.DataFrame, header: Dict[str, str], translate_dic: Dict[str, str], ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]], ): """Internal function to convert timeseries and header into Obs objects. Parameters ---------- ts : pd.DataFrame timeseries data. header : dictionary metadata. translate_dic : dictionary translate dictionary. ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]], class of the observations, e.g. GroundwaterObs or WaterlvlObs Returns ------- o : GroundwaterObs or WaterlvlObs hyrdopandas observation object. header : dictionary metadata. """ for key, item in translate_dic.items(): header[item] = header.pop(key) if "x" in header.keys(): x = float(header["x"]) else: x = np.nan if "y" in header.keys(): y = float(header["y"]) else: y = np.nan if "units" in header.keys(): unit = str(header["units"]) else: unit = np.nan if np.isnan(x) or np.isnan(y): metadata_available = False else: metadata_available = True if "parameterId" in header: parid = header["parameterId"] name = header["monitoring_well"] + "_" + parid else: name = header["monitoring_well"] if isinstance(ObsClass, dict): if parid in ObsClass.keys(): ObsC = ObsClass[parid] else: ObsC = Obs else: ObsC = ObsClass if ObsC in (observation.WaterlvlObs,): o = ObsC( ts, x=x, y=y, unit=unit, meta=header, name=name, monitoring_well=header["monitoring_well"], metadata_available=metadata_available, source="FEWS", ) elif ObsC in (observation.GroundwaterObs,): if "z" in header.keys(): z = float(header["z"]) else: z = np.nan o = ObsC( ts, x=x, y=y, ground_level=z, unit=unit, meta=header, name=name, monitoring_well=header["monitoring_well"], metadata_available=metadata_available, source="FEWS", ) elif ObsC in ( observation.MeteoObs, observation.PrecipitationObs, observation.EvaporationObs, ): o = ObsC( ts, x=x, y=y, unit=unit, meta=header, name=name, meteo_var=parid, source="FEWS", ) else: o = ObsC(ts, x=x, y=y, unit=unit, meta=header, name=name, source="FEWS") return o, header
[docs]def write_pi_xml(obs_coll, fname: str, timezone: float = 1.0, version: str = "1.24"): """Write TimeSeries object to PI-XML file. Parameters ---------- fname: path path to XML file """ assert fname.endswith(".xml"), "Output file should have '.xml' extension!" # first line of XML file line0 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' # some definitions for timeseries XML file NS = r"" FS = r"" XSI = r"" schemaLocation = ( r"" r"/Pi-schemas/pi_timeseries.xsd" ) timeseriesline = ( '<TimeSeries xmlns="{NS}" xmlns:xsi="{XSI}" ' 'xsi:schemaLocation="{NS} {schema}" version="{version}" ' 'xmlns:fs="{FS}">\n' ) # line templates paramline = "<{tag}>{param}</{tag}>\n" # write file with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(line0) f.write( timeseriesline.format( NS=NS, FS=FS, XSI=XSI, schema=schemaLocation, version=version ) ) tzline = "\t" + paramline.format(tag="timeZone", param=timezone) f.write(tzline) for o in obs_coll.obs: # start series start = "\t" + "<series>\n" f.write(start) # write header hlines = [] hstart = 2 * "\t" + "<header>\n" hlines.append(hstart) for htag, hval in o.meta.items(): if htag.endswith("Date"): try: hdate = hval.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") htime = hval.strftime("%H:%M:%S") except AttributeError as e: if htag.startswith("start"): hdate = o.index[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") htime = o.index[0].strftime("%H:%M:%S") elif htag.startswith("end"): hdate = o.index[-1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") htime = o.index[-1].strftime("%H:%M:%S") else: raise (e) hline = '<{tag} date="{date}" time="{time}"/>\n'.format( tag=htag, date=hdate, time=htime ) elif htag.endswith("timeStep"): hline = '<{tag} unit="{unit}"/>\n'.format(tag=htag, unit=hval) else: hline = paramline.format(tag=htag, param=hval) hlines.append(3 * "\t" + hline) hlines.append(2 * "\t" + "</header>\n") f.writelines(hlines) # write timeseries dates = o.reset_index()["index"].apply( lambda s: datetime.datetime.strftime(s, "%Y-%m-%d") ) times = o.reset_index()["index"].apply( lambda s: datetime.datetime.strftime(s, "%H:%M:%S") ) # set date and time attributes events = ( 2 * "\t" + '<event date="' + dates.values + '" time="' + times.values ) # loop through columns and add to event for icol in o.columns: val = o[icol].astype(str) events += '" {}="'.format(icol) + val.values # close event events += '"/>\n' # write to file f.writelines(events) # end series f.write("\t" + "</series>\n") # end Timeseries f.write("</TimeSeries>\n")
[docs]def read_xml_filelist( fnames: List[str], ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]], directory: Optional[str] = None, locations: Optional[List[str]] = None, translate_dic: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, filterdict: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None, remove_nan: bool = False, low_memory: bool = True, **kwargs: dict, ): """Read a list of xml files into a list of observation objects. Parameters ---------- fnames : TYPE DESCRIPTION. ObsClass: Union[Obs, Dict[str, Obs]] class of the observations, e.g. GroundwaterObs or WaterlvlObs directory : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. locations : tuple or list of str, optional list of locationId's to read from XML file, others are skipped. If None (default) all locations are read. translate_dic : dic or None, optional translate names from fews. If None this default dictionary is used: {'locationId': 'monitoring_well'}. filterdict : dict, optional dictionary with tag name to apply filter to as keys, and list of accepted names as dictionary values to keep in final result, i.e. {"locationId": ["B001", "B002"]} remove_nan : boolean, optional remove nan values from measurements, flag information about the nan values is also lost, only used if low_memory=False low_memory : bool, optional whether to use xml-parsing method with lower memory footprint, default is True Returns ------- list of ObsClass objects list of timeseries stored in ObsClass objects """ if translate_dic is None: translate_dic = {"locationId": "monitoring_well"} obs_list = [] nfiles = len(fnames) for j, ixml in enumerate(fnames): # print message"{j+1}/{nfiles} read {ixml}") # join directory to filename if provided if directory is None: fullpath = ixml else: fullpath = os.path.join(directory, ixml) # read xml fname obs_list += read_xml_fname( fullpath, ObsClass, translate_dic=translate_dic, filterdict=filterdict, low_memory=low_memory, locationIds=locations, remove_nan=remove_nan, **kwargs, ) return obs_list
[docs]def get_fews_pid(name: str) -> Dict[str, Obs]: """Get matching ParameterId's and HydroPandas Observation Classes Parameters ---------- name : str Waterboard name Returns ------- Dict[str, Obs] Dictonary with ParameterId and the resulting Observation Class """ from import pid pid_sel = pid[name.lower()] return {key: getattr(observation, value) for (key, value) in pid_sel.items()}