Source code for hydropandas.extensions.plots

import logging
import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from import tqdm

from ..observation import GroundwaterObs
from . import accessor

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@accessor.register_obscollection_accessor("plots") class CollectionPlots: def __init__(self, oc_obj): """Object containing plotting methods for ObsCollections. Parameters ---------- oc : ObsCollection ObsCollection instance """ self._obj = oc_obj
[docs] def interactive_plots( self, savedir="figures", tmin=None, tmax=None, per_monitoring_well=True, **kwargs, ): """Create interactive plots of the observations using bokeh. Parameters ---------- savedir : str directory used for the folium map and bokeh plots tmin : dt.datetime, optional start date for timeseries plot tmax : dt.datetime, optional end date for timeseries plot per_monitoring_well : bool, optional if True plot multiple tubes at the same monitoring_well in one figure **kwargs : will be passed to the Obs.interactive_plot method, options include: - cols : list of str or None - hoover_names : list of str - plot_freq : list of str - plot_legend_names : list of str - markers : list of str - hoover_names : list of str - plot_colors : list of str - ylabel : str - add_screen_to_legend : boolean """ _color_cycle = ( "blue", "olive", "lime", "red", "orange", "yellow", "purple", "silver", "powderblue", "salmon", "tan", ) # check if observations consist of monitoring wells if per_monitoring_well: otype = self._obj._infer_otype() if isinstance(otype, (list, np.ndarray)): per_monitoring_well = False elif otype.__name__ == "GroundwaterObs": pass else: per_monitoring_well = False if per_monitoring_well: plot_names = self._obj.groupby("monitoring_well").count().index else: plot_names = self._obj.index for name in plot_names: if per_monitoring_well: oc = self._obj.loc[ self._obj.monitoring_well == name, "obs" ].sort_index() else: oc = self._obj.loc[[name], "obs"] p = None for i, o in enumerate(oc.values): if i == 10: raise NotImplementedError( "cannot add more than 10 lines to a single plot" ) try: p = o.plots.interactive_plot( savedir=savedir, p=p, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, plot_colors=[_color_cycle[i + 1]], return_filename=False, **kwargs, ) logger.debug(f"created iplot -> {}") except ValueError: logger.error(f"{} has no data between {tmin} and {tmax}") o.meta["iplot_fname"] = None
[docs] def interactive_map( self, plot_dir="figures", m=None, tiles="OpenStreetMap", fname=None, per_monitoring_well=True, color="blue", legend_name=None, add_legend=True, map_label="", map_label_size=20, col_name_lat="lat", col_name_lon="lon", zoom_start=13, create_interactive_plots=True, **kwargs, ): """Create an interactive map with interactive plots using folium and bokeh. Notes ----- Some notes on this method: - if you want to have multiple obs collections on one folium map, only the last one should have add_legend = True to create a correct legend - the color of the observation point on the map is now the same color as the line of the observation measurements. Also a built-in color cycle is used for different measurements at the same monitoring_well. Parameters ---------- plot_dir : str directory used for the folium map and bokeh plots m : folium.Map, str, optional current map to add observations too, if None a new map is created tiles : str, optional background tiles, default is openstreetmap fname : str, optional name of the folium map per_monitoring_well : bool, optional if True plot multiple tubes at the same monitoring well in one figure color : str, optional color of the observation points on the map legend_name : str, optional the name of the observation points shown in the map legend add_legend : boolean, optional add a legend to a plot map_label : str, optional add a label to the monitoring wells on the map, the label should be 1. the attribute of an observation 2. the key in the meta attribute of the observation 3. a generic label for each observation in this collection. A label is only added if map_label is not ''. The default is ''. map_label_size : int, optional label size of the map_label in pt. col_name_lat : str, optional name of the column in the obs_collection dic with the lat values of the observation points col_name_lon : str, optional see col_name_lat zoom_start : int, optional start zoom level of the folium ma create_interactive_plots : boolean, optional if True interactive plots will be created, if False the iplot_fname in the meta ditctionary of the observations is used. **kwargs : will be passed to the interactive_plots method options are: - cols : list of str or None - hoover_names : list of str - plot_legend_names : list of str - plot_freq : list of str - markers : list of str - hoover_names : list of str - plot_colors : list of str - ylabel : str - add_screen_to_legend : boolean - tmin : dt.datetime - tmax : dt.datetime Returns ------- m : folium.Map the folium map """ import branca import folium from folium.features import DivIcon # check for empty observations if all([o.empty for o in self._obj.obs.values]): logger.warning("all observations in the collection are empty") for oname in self._obj.index: self._obj._set_metadata_value( oname, "iplot_fname", None, add_to_meta=True ) empty_obs = True else: empty_obs = False # create interactive bokeh plots if create_interactive_plots and not empty_obs: self._obj.plots.interactive_plots( savedir=plot_dir, per_monitoring_well=per_monitoring_well, **kwargs ) # check if observation collection has lat and lon values if (col_name_lat not in self._obj.columns) and ( col_name_lon not in self._obj.columns ): self._obj.geo.set_lat_lon() # determine start location of map northing = np.mean( (self._obj[col_name_lat].min(), self._obj[col_name_lat].max()) ) easting = np.mean( (self._obj[col_name_lon].min(), self._obj[col_name_lon].max()) ) # create map if no map is given if m is None: m = folium.Map([northing, easting], zoom_start=zoom_start, tiles=tiles) # get oc name if no legend name is given if legend_name is None: legend_name = # add the point observations with plots to the map group_name = '<span style=\\"color: {};\\">{}</span>'.format(color, legend_name) group = folium.FeatureGroup(name=group_name) # check if observations consist of monitoring wells if per_monitoring_well: otype = self._obj._infer_otype() if isinstance(otype, (list, np.ndarray)): per_monitoring_well = False elif otype.__name__ == "GroundwaterObs": pass else: per_monitoring_well = False if per_monitoring_well: plot_names = self._obj.groupby("monitoring_well").count().index else: plot_names = self._obj.index for name in plot_names: if per_monitoring_well: oc = self._obj.loc[ self._obj.monitoring_well == name, "obs" ].sort_index() o = oc.iloc[-1] name = else: o = self._obj.loc[name, "obs"] if o.meta["iplot_fname"] is not None: with open(o.meta["iplot_fname"], "r") as f: bokeh_html = iframe = branca.element.IFrame(html=bokeh_html, width=620, height=420) popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=620) folium.CircleMarker( [ self._obj.loc[, col_name_lat], self._obj.loc[, col_name_lon], ], icon=folium.Icon(icon="signal"), fill=True, color=color, popup=popup, ).add_to(group) if map_label != "": if map_label in o._metadata: map_label_val = getattr(o, map_label) elif map_label in o.meta.keys(): map_label_val = o.meta[map_label] else: map_label_val = map_label [ self._obj.loc[name, col_name_lat], self._obj.loc[name, col_name_lon], ], icon=DivIcon( icon_size=(150, 36), icon_anchor=(0, 0), html='<div style="font-size: %ipt">%s</div>' % (map_label_size, map_label_val), ), ).add_to(group) else:"no iplot available for {}") folium.CircleMarker( [ self._obj.loc[, col_name_lat], self._obj.loc[, col_name_lon], ], icon=folium.Icon(icon="signal"), fill=True, color=color, ).add_to(group) group.add_to(m) # add legend if add_legend:"topright", collapsed=False).add_to(m) # save map # filename and path if fname is not None: if not fname.endswith(".html"): fname = fname + ".html" if not os.path.exists(plot_dir): os.mkdir(plot_dir), fname)) return m
[docs] def section_plot( self, tmin=None, tmax=None, cols=(None,), section_colname_x=None, section_label_x=None, section_well_layout_color="gray", section_markersize=100, ylabel="auto", fn_save=None, check_obs_close_to_screen_bottom=True, plot_well_layout_markers=True, plot_obs=True, ): """Create plot with well layout (left) en observations (right). Parameters ---------- tmin : dt.datetime, optional start date for timeseries plot tmax : dt.datetime, optional end date for timeseries plot cols : tuple of str or None, optional the columns of the observation to plot. The first numeric column is used if cols is None, by default None. section_colname_x : str, optional column used for x position on section plot, when None order collection is used section_label_x : str, optional label applied to x-axis in section plot section_well_layout_color : str, optional color of well layout, default is gray section_markersize : int, optional size of makers in sectionplot ylabel: str or list, optional when 'auto' column unit in collection is ylabel, otherwise first element of list is label of section plot, second element of observation plot fn_save : str, optional filename to save plot check_obs_close_to_screen_bottom : bool, optional plots a horizontal line when minimum observation is close to screen_bottom plot_well_layout_markers : bool, optional plots ground level, top tube, screen levels and sandtrap via makers. Default is True plot_obs : bool, optional Plots observation. Default is True TODO: - speficy colors via extra column in ObsCollection - addtional visual checks: maximum observation is close to or above ground level, maximum observation is close to or above tube top minimum observation is close to or below tube bottom (sand trap) - include some interactive Bokeh fancy - apply an offset when two wells are at same location - limit y-axis of section plot to observations only - remove the checking (if obs are near bottom) from this function - moving the legend outside the plot - set xlim of observation plot more tight when tmin is not specified """ # prepare column for x location in section plot if section_colname_x is None: # use order in ObsCollection plot_x = np.arange(len(self._obj)) else: plot_x = self._obj[section_colname_x] # create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) if plot_obs: # make figure with section plot on left, and righthand plot for obs gs = GridSpec( 1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 3], ) ax_section = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_obs = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) axes = [ax_section, ax_obs] else: # make figure with only one plot on left, observations are not plotted ax_section = fig.add_subplot(111) axes = [ax_section] if plot_well_layout_markers: # plot well layout via markers ax_section.scatter( plot_x, self._obj.tube_top.values, section_markersize, label="tube top", marker="*", facecolors="none", color=section_well_layout_color, ) ax_section.scatter( plot_x, self._obj.ground_level.values, section_markersize, label="ground level", marker="_", color=section_well_layout_color, ) ax_section.scatter( plot_x, self._obj.screen_top.values, section_markersize / 2, label="screen top", marker="x", color=section_well_layout_color, ) ax_section.scatter( plot_x, self._obj.screen_bottom.values, section_markersize, label="screen bottom", marker="+", color=section_well_layout_color, ) # loop over all wells, plot observations and details in section plot for counter, name in enumerate(self._obj.index): if plot_obs: # which column to plot? cols = list(cols) for i, col in enumerate(cols): if col is None: cols[i] = self._obj.loc[ name, "obs" ]._get_first_numeric_col_name() # create plot dataframe plot_df = self._obj.loc[name, "obs"][tmin:tmax][cols].copy() if plot_df.empty or plot_df[cols].isna().all().all(): logger.warning(f"{name} has no data between {tmin} and {tmax}") continue # PART 1: plot timeseries of observations # one or multiple columns to plot? if len(cols) == 1: p = ax_obs.plot(plot_df, label=name) else: for col in cols: p = ax_obs.plot(plot_df[col], label=f"{name}, {col}") plot_color = p[0].get_color() if check_obs_close_to_screen_bottom: # add horizonal line to plot when minimum observation in first plot # column is close to bottom of screen offset = 0.1 if self._obj.loc[name, "screen_bottom"] > ( plot_df[cols[0]].dropna().min() - offset ): ax_obs.axhline( y=self._obj.loc[name, "screen_bottom"], ls="--", lw=4, alpha=0.5, label=( f"screen bottom of {name}\n" "is close to minimum observation" ), color=plot_color, ) else: plot_color = "hotpink" # PART 2: fancy section plot with lines along tube # highlight filter on section plot ax_section.plot( [plot_x[counter]] * 2, [ self._obj.loc[name, "screen_top"], self._obj.loc[name, "screen_bottom"], ], color="k", lw=3, ls="-", ) # highlight blind tube on section plot ax_section.plot( [plot_x[counter]] * 2, [self._obj.loc[name, "screen_top"], self._obj.loc[name, "tube_top"]], color=plot_color, lw=3, ) # add sandtrap when present if "tube_bottom" in self._obj.columns: ax_section.plot( [plot_x[counter]] * 2, [ self._obj.loc[name, "screen_bottom"], self._obj.loc[name, "tube_bottom"], ], color=plot_color, lw=3, ) if plot_obs: # PART 3: fancy section plot with bandwith of observations ax_section.scatter( plot_x[counter], plot_df.quantile(q=0.95), section_markersize, marker=(3, 0, 0), color="blue", alpha=0.5, label="95% observation", zorder=100, ) ax_section.scatter( plot_x[counter], plot_df.median(), section_markersize, marker=(4, 0, 90), color="green", alpha=0.5, label="median", zorder=100, ) ax_section.scatter( plot_x[counter], plot_df.quantile(q=0.05), section_markersize, marker=(3, 0, 180), color="red", alpha=0.5, label="5% observation", zorder=100, )"created sectionplot -> {name}") # layout if section_label_x is None: # use name as xtick and rotate ax_section.set_xticks( plot_x, self._obj.index, rotation="vertical", fontsize="small", ) else: ax_section.set_xlabel(section_label_x) if plot_obs: ax_obs.set_xlim(left=tmin, right=tmax) # rotate labels on observation axis ax_obs.set_xticks( ax_obs.get_xticks(), ax_obs.get_xticklabels(), rotation="vertical", fontsize="small", ) if ylabel == "auto": # has collection uniform unit? if len(self._obj.unit.unique()) == 1: ylabel = self._obj.unit.unique()[0] else: logger.error( "Collection has more than one unit. Plot has both on one y-axis." ) ylabel = ", ".join(map(str, self._obj.unit.unique())) for ax in axes: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) else: try: ax_section.set_ylabel(ylabel[0]) ax_obs.set_ylabel(ylabel[1]) except ValueError: logger.error(f"Invalid value for ylabel {ylabel}. Plot has no ylabels.") # add layout to both plots for ax in axes: ax.grid() # simple legend handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = dict(zip(labels, handles)) ax.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys()) fig.suptitle( if fn_save is not None: try: fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig( fn_save, dpi=250, ) except ValueError: logger.error(f"Save of figure {name} failed ({fn_save}).") return fig, axes
[docs] def series_per_group(self, plot_column, by=None, savefig=True, outputdir="."): """Plot time series per group. The default groupby is based on identical x, y coordinates, so plots unique time series per location. Parameters ---------- plot_column : str name of column containing time series data by : (list of) str or (list of) array-like groupby parameters, default is None which sets groupby to columns ["x", "y"]. savefig : bool, optional save figures, by default True outputdir : str, optional path to output directory, by default the current directory (".") """ if by is None: by = ["x", "y"] gr = self._obj.groupby(by=by) for _, group in tqdm(gr, desc="Plotting series per group", total=len(gr)): f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 3)) for name, row in group.iterrows(): if isinstance(row.obs, GroundwaterObs): lbl = ( f"{name} (NAP{row['screen_top']:+.1f}" f"-{row['screen_bottom']:+.1f}m)" ) else: lbl = f"{name}" ax.plot( row.obs.index, row.obs[plot_column], label=lbl, ) ax.legend( loc=(0, 1), frameon=False, ncol=min(group.index.size, 3), fontsize="x-small", ) ax.set_ylabel(row["unit"]) ax.grid(True) f.tight_layout() if savefig: if isinstance(row.obs, GroundwaterObs): name = name.split("-")[0] f.savefig( os.path.join(outputdir, f"{name}.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150 ) plt.close(f)
[docs]@accessor.register_obs_accessor("plots") class ObsPlots: def __init__(self, obs): self._obj = obs
[docs] def interactive_plot( self, savedir=None, cols=(None,), markers=("line",), p=None, plot_legend_names=("",), plot_freq=(None,), tmin=None, tmax=None, hoover_names=("Peil",), hoover_date_format="%Y-%m-%d", ylabel=None, plot_colors=("blue",), add_screen_to_legend=False, return_filename=False, ): """Create an interactive plot of the observations using bokeh. Todo: - add options for hoovers, markers, linestyle Parameters ---------- savedir : str, optional directory used for the folium map and bokeh plots cols : tuple of str or None, optional the columns of the observation to plot. The first numeric column is used if cols is None, by default None. markers : list of str, optional type of markers that can be used for plot, 'line' and 'circle' are supported p : bokeh.plotting.figure, optional reference to existing figure, if p is None a new figure is created plot_legend_names : list of str, optional legend in bokeh plot plot_freq : list of str, optional bokeh plot is resampled with this frequency to reduce the size tmin : dt.datetime, optional start date for timeseries plot tmax : dt.datetime, optional end date for timeseries plot hoover_names : list of str, optional names will be displayed together with the cols values when hoovering over plot hoover_date_format : str, optional date format to use when hoovering over a plot ylabel : str or None, optional label on the y-axis. If None the unit attribute of the observation is used. plot_colors : list of str, optional plot_colors used for the plots add_screen_to_legend : boolean, optional if True the attributes screen_top and screen_bottom are added to the legend name return_filename : boolean, optional if True filename will be returned Returns ------- fname_plot : str or bokeh plot filename of the bokeh plot or reference to bokeh plot """ from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool from bokeh.plotting import figure, save from bokeh.resources import CDN cols = list(cols) for i, col in enumerate(cols): if col is None: cols[i] = self._obj._get_first_numeric_col_name() # create plot dataframe plot_df = self._obj[tmin:tmax].copy() plot_df["date"] = plot_df.index.strftime(hoover_date_format) if plot_df.empty or plot_df[cols].isna().all().all(): raise ValueError( "{} has no data between {} and {}".format(, tmin, tmax) ) # create plot if p is None: p = figure(width=600, height=400, x_axis_type="datetime", title="") if ylabel is None: ylabel = self._obj.unit p.yaxis.axis_label = ylabel # get x axis xcol = if xcol is None: xcol = "index" # get color if len(plot_colors) < len(cols): plot_colors = list(plot_colors) * len(cols) # get base for hoover tooltips plots = [] tooltips = [] tooltips.append(("date", "@date")) # plot multiple columns for i, column in enumerate(cols): # legend name if add_screen_to_legend: lname = "{} {} (NAP {:.2f} - {:.2f})".format( plot_legend_names[i],, self._obj.screen_bottom, self._obj.screen_top, ) else: lname = "{} {}".format(plot_legend_names[i], # resample data if plot_freq[i] is None: source = ColumnDataSource(plot_df[[column, "date"]]) else: source = ColumnDataSource( plot_df[[column, "date"]].resample(plot_freq[i]).first() ) # plot data if markers[i] in ["line", "l"]: plots.append( p.line( xcol, column, source=source, color=plot_colors[i], legend_label=lname, alpha=0.8, muted_alpha=0.2, ) ) elif markers[i] in ["circle", "c"]: plots.append( xcol, column, source=source, color=plot_colors[i], legend_label=lname, alpha=0.8, muted_alpha=0.2, ) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "marker '{}' invalid. Only line and" "circle are currently available".format(markers[i]) ) # add columns to hoover tooltips tooltips_p = tooltips.copy() tooltips_p.append((hoover_names[i], "@{}".format(column))) hover = HoverTool(renderers=[plots[i]], tooltips=tooltips_p, mode="vline") p.add_tools(hover) p.legend.location = "top_left" p.legend.click_policy = "mute" # save plot if savedir is not None: if not os.path.isdir(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) self._obj.meta["iplot_fname"] = os.path.join( savedir, + ".html" ) save(p, self._obj.meta["iplot_fname"], resources=CDN, if return_filename: return self._obj.meta["iplot_fname"] else: return p