
HydroPandas is an open source software project that depends on contributions from the community. Everyone is welcome, each small contribution is valuable, no matter if it is a fix of a typo in the documentation, bug report, an idea, or a question.

Questions, bug reports and feature requests

If you have question about the use of HydroPandas, feel free to ask them in the GitHub Discussions. Bugs and feature requests can be submitted via GitHub Issues.

Version control, Git, and GitHub

The code is hosted on GitHub. To contribute you will need to sign up for a free GitHub account. We use Git for version control to allow many people to work together on the project. If you have no experience with Git we recommend to install Github Desktop.

Contributing guidelines

Proposals for changes to the Hydropandas code base can be submitted via a pull request. You can find a pull request (or PR) tutorial in the GitHub’s Help Docs..

There are roughly 6 steps for contributing to HydroPandas:

  1. Fork the HydroPandas git repository

  2. Create a development environment

  3. Install HydroPandas dependencies

  4. Make changes to code and add tests

  5. Update the documentation

  6. Submit a pull request

For pull request we use the following guidelines (similar to the geopandas guidelines):

  • All existing tests should pass. Please make sure that the test suite passes, both locally and on GitHub Actions. Status on Github Actions will be visible on a pull request. To trigger a check, make a PR to your own fork.

  • New functionality should include tests. Please write reasonable tests for your code and make sure that they pass on your pull request.

  • Classes, methods, functions, etc. should have docstrings. The first line of a docstring should be a standalone summary. Parameters and return values should be documented explicitly.

  • Follow PEP 8 when possible. We use Black and Flake8 to ensure a consistent code format throughout the project.

  • We use isort to automatically sort imports.

  • We encourage backward compatability between HydroPandas versions but do not ensure it (yet) because of the rapid changes to the code base.